Enigmatic Deezyne

You may not know it, but in addition to running my mouth (via my fingers) about horror movies, I'm also an accidental graphic designer. I've never formally studied graphic design, but I've been employed doing it for the past seven years.

Enigmatic Deezyne is my fake graphic design business. Fake because I've never done any paid freelance work (but I'd be open to doing some if anyone needs something done). Mostly I've just been doing stuff for my personal satisfaction, and I thought I'd share some of my horror-related stuff with you. There's not much at the moment, but I hope to be adding more soon. And feel free to save and use any of the graphics you find on this page, but please credit any public use to Enigmatic Deezyne.


Hello Zomby


Lou Garou

Lil' Crawley the Cave Crawler

Lil' Davey

David's Blood - Wine Labels

I made these labels for the wine I just bottled, but couldn't decide which to use.
I ended up using them both. The wine's not half bad,
but it will be way better in about 3 years.